Al Salam ATM Cards

Instant cash from your account 24/7 with ATM card of Al Salam Bank.

ATM service benefits:

  • Card is issued free of charge.
  • The card is accepted locally only.
  • Cash withdrawals from your accounts using "Al Salam Card" through All ATMs which connected to National switch all around sudan.
  • Inquire about the balance of your accounts.
  • Transfer between your accounts in SDG.
  • Change your PIN number.
  • It enables you to pay for goods and services locally as your account shall be debited directly (POS).

Security measures while using the ATM service:

  • To protect your privacy, keep your personal or banking information confidential and do not respond to any message or e-mail that asks you to send you personal banking information. Protect your ATM card from damage and keep them in a safe place, and do not fold or graze them.
  • Creat a strong password that is difficult for others to guess. Do not associate your password with anything personal such as birthdays, names, phone numbers or other familiar words or numbers.
  • It is recommended while traveling to take your ATM card
  • Look around and watch the place, if the light in the ATM device is weak or if the device is located in an open place, use another ATM.
  • Prepare your card so that you do not waste time searching for it in your wallet or purse.
  • Make sure that the person behind you, who wants to use the ATM machine after you, does not see the PIN or the transaction amount.
  • If you are using an indoor ATM machine that requires you to use your ATM card to open the door, do not let anybody you don’t know to enter with you inside.
  • Do not leave the receipt at the ATM machine. Always keep copies of receipts, and compare them to your monthly statements. This is the best way to protect yourself from the illegal use of your card. It also makes it easy to organize your records.
  • If your card is stuck in the ATM machine be careful of anybody who wants to help you as forgers can get your PIN through many ways such as looking from behind or even asking about the PIN directly and then they get the card back from the machine to withdraw money from your account.
  • Notify the bank immediately either by going personally to the branch in which ATM is located, or by calling the emergency phone number
  • Change your PIN regularly and memorized it and do not recorded anywhere.
  • Do not tell anybody about your PIN
  • Avoid using ATMs in un protected and far-off places, and do not use ATM machines which are close to places in which anybody can hide.
  • Check your account balances and statements regularly to ensure your accounts have not been accessed by anyone else, and to detect any unusual transactions.
  • If you want us to alert you whenever a transaction takes place on your account, you can subscribe to our SMS Banking Service.
  • Be careful when any stranger offers you any help while you are using the ATM machine
  • If you notice anything suspicious near the ATM machine such as someone is tampering with the place where the ATM card is put in or keypad or doing any other suspicious act, do not use the machine and contact the bank immediately
  • Do not insert your card forcibly in the place. If you feel that the ATM machine is not working properly for any reason, press the cancel button, take the card out, and notify the bank. In the case of losing the card or if the machine took the card, contact the bank immediately so that the bank void the card.
  • Sign your card and keep it always at a safe place or with you and do not lend it to anyone.
  • Make sure you get the card back after every transaction and use it only at ATMs and at Points of Sale machines in public locations or locations known to you.
  • Void and destroy the cards which you do not use.
  • When using the card at one of the points of sale, it is strongly recommended that the seller enters the amount on the card in your presence.
  • Avoid keeping the card near magnetic devices such as (Mobiles, Recorders, etc.).;
  • Stay updated with the advices and the awareness instructions that the Bank publish through its e-banking services.

Thank You